Post Domain Setup

Warming Up a Domain

Email warm-up refers to the practice of sending a gradually increasing number of emails from a new email account with the aim of building a positive reputation with email providers and avoiding spam filters.

In phishing emails, warming up a domain has many benefits, which include:

  • An increased sender reputation
  • There is more likelihood that an email will land in the inbox of a user
  • Avoiding Blacklists – reduces the risk of getting blacklisted.
  • Sending a sudden high volume of emails from a cold domain can trigger spam alerts, whereas a gradual warm-up is likely to be flagged.
  • Increased Open Rates – when emails consistently land in the inbox, open rates tend to increase.
  • Credibility with ESPs – As you warm up your domain, email service providers (ESPs) become more familiar with your sending patterns
  • Reduced Bounce Rates – Gradual warming helps you identify and address email deliverability issues early.
  • Enhanced Engagement Metrics – With a warmed-up domain, you are more likely to see improved engagement metrics (i.e., clicks and credentials entered).

Some tools that I like to utilize for warming up my domains are:

  • Mailgun InboxReady
  • LemList
  • MailReach

ChatGPT Email Generation

In normal engagements, we are tasked to write example templates for clients to ensure we get their approval. Writing templates is a time-consuming process, but we have another tool, ChatGPT.

Why waste hours of writing HTML to bypass spam filter security tools when you have the best thing to write emails, AI!


A website category lookup is a web service used to determine the categories of a domain name. Domains are classified using a combination of machine learning (ML) and human inspection. Web crawlers collect and organise website content, which ML algorithms then examine and categorise. Human experts verify the results.

I don’t need to explain this to you because there is one of the best resources out there and all credit goes to @bluescreenofjeff

Some of the benefits of domain categorization are:

  • Improved chances of landing emails into inboxes
  • Gives the defender the sense of a trusted domain

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